Sunday, May 9, 2010


An inquiry into the concept of expendable objects and concepts in our world. Objects themselves are expendable or more frequently expended, and are representative of a category of such objects. Expendable is defined as:
2. (of an item of equipment or supply) consumed in use or not reusable.
3. considered to be not worth keeping or maintaining.

Items already brought:
-deodorant bottle

New Items:
-watch box
-soda can
-flash card
-shopping cart

tethering a shopping cart to a bike was fun. I'll probably end up using it as a container for the final piece.


  1. Hi Geoff, I was thinking about the stop motion and flip book ideas that we were talking about in a number of ways last time as a way to deal with issues of reproduction in the collection assignment. It occurs to me, that since you have a shopping cart and are dealing with issues of consumerism, maybe it makes sense for you to have a lot of each kind of thing, or a lot of still pictures (drawings or photos) all slightly different. Perhaps this could underscore your well-thought-out concept and also open up the concept of a stop-motion or flip book in an interesting way.

  2. Geoff-
    Building off both ideas I would love it if you took still photos of you placing the objects in the cart and then pushing it or pulling it via a rope...then you could flip through the photos or just lay them out on a white blank surface one by one with music in the background. Either option would be awesome on video... so that the video itself is not you performing the action but of photos of you performing the action! (similar to a concept we saw in class in the Artaud documentary)Have fun!
    - Talia
