Monday, April 19, 2010

Eyeball double

I'm making an eyeball because sight is one of the most important things to me. Without eyes, I can't enjoy or make art. Neither can I read easily, or write. The world would become difficult to navigate.

I want to make the eye out of mostly transparent materials because everyone can see most of the outside of an eye all the time. This way I can emphasize that the inside and outside of the eye are equally important to its function. I am more interested in representing most of the important parts than creating a "realistic" representation.

spherical glass for outer part
lens-shaped glass piece for pupil (sold in bags of 30).
clear mancala piece for inner lens.
gold coated aluminum wire for nerves.
glue or gelatin for vitreous humor
glue (tinted white) may be used to color outer layer.
I found all these at michaels or in my house.

I want the nerves to stand out- to point out that there is no image without the connection to the brain. So I also hope to use the wire coming out the back to form the base.

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