Friday, April 16, 2010

Neuron Psychologist

For the body double project, I plan to reproduce a neuron. Neurons serve key roles in transferring and processing sensory, motor, and cognitive information. In other words, neurons are responsible for our senses, movements and thoughts. For the piece, the neuron will be displayed vertically. The axon will be glued to a wooden base while the nucleus and dendrites will be at the sculpture’s top. The neuron will be enlarges to the size of a forearm and possibly constructed out of paper mache.

Conceptually, I would like to emphasize the transmission of data in my project through the help of the neuron’s branch-like structure. However, rather than relaying information to another neuron, the neuron will directly communicate with the participating individual. The neuron’s objective will be to read the individual’s mental state with the help of a thermochromic liquid crystal (fancy term for mood ring), whose color code may be deciphered through the hanging, colored objects that will present helpful suggestions for the individual.

Materials (* = do not have yet)

Mood Ring* (Claire’s… anyone have any other ideas where I might find these?)





Paint/ Spray Can

Hot Glue




Sorry if the post sounds complicated. It is actually quite simple =).

~ Alicja Chrena


  1. I was also thinking of doing a neuron but in a very different way. Your approach sounds exciting especially the interactive mood ring part. I believe the easiest place to find a mood ring would be a jewelry store called Claire's (usually located in your nearest mall.) Hope it goes well!

  2. I really like this idea! I think Micheals has a whole bead/stone/etc section, you may be able to find something similar to a mood ring? I havent seen one of those in a really long time! ... Maybe a marble would work, some change colors in light. Tigers eye does too - and citrine. Good luck!
