Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Plaster Nose

I was unsure for quite a while what I would do. One thought I had was a thumb, but I lacked the methods to grant it even a partial range of motion. After a while though, the thought of making a nose randomly popped into my head. With few exceptions, the nose is largely overlooked as a part of the face. From there, it was a question of action. Maybe I could have it swell and shrink, but that would require possibly cloth or a material I lack the expertise in to make do as I wish. So instead, I decided the action to be the nose's most infamous action: sneezing. So, the challenge became making the nose able to expel fake mucus. The obvious substance to make the mucus would be green jello, but the thought of adding milk to make it more opaque and viscous seemed satisfactory.

Materials for this sculpture:
-metal wire
-duct tape
-rubber tubing
-green jello
-ziploc bag

If all goes according to plan, the nose will expel the mucus when pressure is applied to the bag. Here's hoping. I suppose what I want to do with this sculpture is test the less beautiful side of the human body, namely its fluids. We generally want to have nothing to do with bodily fluids, not even our own. Making a sculpture of it will either disgust people or, in rare cases, give pause for thought.

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