Saturday, April 17, 2010

Primative Pelvic Cavity; Pelvis, Coccyx and a tail

I am going to recreate the pelvis and the coccyx (the tailbone). At the end of the tailbone, I'm going to make an actual tail. Why? Because back in the day... wayyyyy back in the day, humans had tails, but as we evolved, the tail turned into what is now the tailbone.
I chose the pelvis because this structure is actually differentiated between men and women, where women hips are much wider than men. Archeologists have been able to analyze ancient bones this way.
I also chose the tailbone (with the addition of the tail) because I believe in evolution and this sort of shows a relation between humans and apes.
I plan on recreating this with Sculpy, the clay that can be oven baked. If it does manage to fall apart, however, I'll have superglue and plaster gauze. Or, perhaps I will just try to structure the cavity with newspaper and wrap it with the plaster gauze itself. I will attach it to a hanger, allowing it to swing. Just to give it a touch of humor, I'm going to dress it up in a nice pair of panties. I am hoping to find a stand where I could hang the hanger on.
I am hoping that the final product would actually look like the picture above... with a tail. I am still looking for suggestions so please help me out! Be harsh if you will... :)
Precision tools
Pipe cleaners or yarn for the tail
Acrylic paint (clear coat?)
Sand paper
Underwear (undecided if I will make it or purchase it)

Michael's & Target

Wish me luck!!!

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